March 2008

Viscountess Bronwen, who was Princess of the Outlands with AElfgar in 1984, passed away Wednesday, March 5, of a brain tumor. (Kate Holford is looking for a photo, but if any reader has another to add, one can be added at any time.)

Alrik and Slaine were King and Queen.

Photos of some of these things:

Article about Crown in the Roswell Daily Record:

March 8 in Gleann Medonac
Boleslav won Crown for his lady, Ástríðr.

Bennet Murray was named a Walker of the Way.

Gundahar was asked to consider knighthood.

Outlands Crown – March 8 AS XXXXII
The Tournament was announced as two victories to win a round (double kills to be refought) with elimination after loss of two rounds.

Round 1
Sir Duncan bests Lord Iohanness
Sir Giovanni bestsLord Dermot
Sir Bjarki bests Sir Gareth
Lord Chagatai bests Sir Roger
Sir William bests Lord Charles
Lord Gunndahar bests Lord Bardolf
Lord Omar bests Lord Pierre
Lord Boleslav bests Sir Albert

Round 2
Sir Bjarki bests Lord Omar
Sir Bela bests Sir Giovanni
Sir William bests Lord Gunndahar
Lord Boleslav bests Lord Chagatai
Sir Albert eliminates Lord Iohanness
Sir Duncan eliminates Sir Gareth
Lord Pierre eliminates Sir Roger
Lord Dermot eliminates Lord Bardolf

Round 3
Lord Gunndahar eliminates Lord Charles
Sir Bela eliminates Lord Pierre
Sir Giovanni eliminates Lord Chagatai
Sir William bests Sir Bjarki
Sir Duncan eliminates Sir Albert
Lord Boleslav eliminates Lord Omar

Round 4
Sir Giovanni eliminates Lord Gunndahar
Sir Duncan eliminates Lord Dermot
Sir Bela eliminates Sir Bjarki
Lord Boleslav bests Sir William

Round 5
Lord Boleslav bests Sir Bela
Sir William bests Sir Duncan

Round 6
Sir Bela eliminates Sir Duncan
Lord Boleslav eliminates Sir Giovanni

Round 7
Sir Bela eliminates Sir William

Final pairing for the Tournament
Sir Bela and Lord Boleslav

Sir Bela bests Lord Boleslav twice resulting in a balance of the elimination count
Then Lord Boleslav bests Sir Bela
Then Sir Bela bests Lord Boleslav once more
Then Lord Boleslav defeats Sir Bela and is recognized as Crown Prince



From the Blue Iris Herald (Master Balthazar):

Giovanni da Lucca and Muireann Ghlass ingen Faelan retired as Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass. They were rewarded for their work with Court Baronies. (Scrolls by Ymanya Murray.)

Nikolaus von Stahlburg and Aine inghean Chormaic were invested as the new Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass.

Also: Gunndiarfr Magnusarson was knighted, Hrorek Wolfson was given a Queen's Cypher, Bennet Murray and Sir Roger were given Cordons Royal, and Lyneya de la Nord got an Award of Arms.

Sir Berold posted on the Outlands list:

On Saturday, the 29th of March at the Baronial Investiture in the Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass, the fifth of the Unbelted Tournaments was fought. The style of the tournament of the day was Mace & Shield. A newcomer to the unbelted tourney circuit, His Majesty Alrik Won and received the Best Death point earning him a total of 4 points for the day. Lord Li, also a new-comer to the tournament series Placed for 2 points and THL Gunndiarfr (yes, another new comer) Showed for 1 point. Two points were awarded to Lord Bardolf for the Most Chivalrous accolade.

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